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 In This Issue...

- Feature Article: Healthy Relationships
- Host of the Month: Jay Cruz
- New & Upcoming Shows
- News & Views


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Healthy Relationships

by Kathryn Morrow

Host of "Tomorrow's Health"
Wednesdays, 8:00am PT
What a challenge it is in this world today to create balance in a relationship. I use the word create because usually a happy relationship does not just happen, it takes work, creativity, and of course love. To put things in perspective: To have a relationship with a boxer you don't have to be a boxer, but you do have to have someone in your corner, cheering you on and supporting you on your journey. We all are looking for basically the same thing, someone to share our lives with and someone to love us just the way we are.

We all have our differences, but we have to honor the place our loved one is at, on their journey. Even though we choose to share our lives, our lessons and our growth in whom we are and who we have yet to become can be quite different.
Another challenge of a healthy relationship is your self. If we are out of balance in mind, body, or spirit how can we possibly have a healthy relationship with another. People overlook this simple, sometimes difficult to see solution to creating happy relationships.

So often we are looking for others to make us happy. In order to be loved we first have to love who we are. I have performed marriage ceremonies on women alone. This might seem strange but by holding a ceremony with one self and truly committing ones love of thy self finally opens the door enabling you to be loved in a truly healthy relationship. You are complete and therefore need nothing enabling you to love and be loved unconditionally.

There are many ways to create balance but the most overlooked is our diet. The foods we eat can play a major role in creating feeling of happiness or sadness. Did you know that chocolate chemically produces in our brain feelings of love? Of course eating a processed sugar diet can cause bouts of depression. But even eating healthy foods still may be causing an emotional roller coaster. In my book, The Color of Nutrition I go into depth on this and other subjects.

Other ways to create balance within ourselves is to find our peace within. You can achieve this through many different ways. Once you have learned to truly nurture yourself then you are able to nurture others without resentment. When you truly have peace within yourself you are finally able to have a peaceful relationship.

Remember the person who looks back at you in the mirror is the only person who is responsible for your happiness. Learn to live a life filled with gratitude and with a sense of humor. Be
open for change and growth. Relationships are work but they can be fun. Anything worth while is. Think about what a blessing it is to be with someone who loves us and whom we love on this roller coaster ride of a life time.

Visit Kathryn's Website at:

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- Mathilde Ochoa
New Up and Coming Shows
by Linda Mackenzie

Host of "Creative Health & Spirit"
Tuesdays, 8am PT
It's always exciting here at HealthyLife.Net. I make sure we have the most positive hosts on the planet for your positive listening pleasure. Here are our new hosts and a bit about their upcoming shows.

Lynn Andrews, Dr. Pat Bacilli, Susun Weed
Kindred Spirits w/ Lynn V. Andrews
4th Wednesday of every month 9am, PST
Lynn is the best-selling Author of 19 books and is also an Adventuress who studied with Shaman Women on three continents. Tune in to get compelling techniques from the spiritual realm for you to use in your everyday physical world.

The Dr. Pat Show w/ Dr. Pat Baccili

Mondays 8am PST
A human potential expert and award-winning radio host, Dr. Pat and her interviews with renown leaders gives you a powerful, no-nonsense approach for creating a richly rewarding life to help actualize your dreams.

Green Blessings w/ Susun Weed

1st Monday of every month. 9am, PST

Discover the Wise Woman Way! Learn how to have health assurance, health empowerment and joyous health through herbs and plants with Susun and her guests. Susun has studied herbs since 1965 and is a world-wide recognized author, writer, workshop leader & teacher

These are great hosts with great shows Remember to tune in.

News & Views:

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June Host of the Month:
Jay Cruz
Host of "The Sporting Life" Wednesdays, 2:00pm and "Rock & Pop Star" Monthly 3rd Wed 9am PT

Jay Cruz
Each month we focus our attention on one of our hosts, and this month we will talk with someone who has been here since the very early days of the network. Jay has been in broadcasting since 1983, and has worked for and with some of the biggest names in the radio industry. Let's find out more...
HL-How did you become a host with HealhyLife.Net?
After many years of working in the San Francisco Bay Area I was looking for a directional change in my life. I was not in radio at the time, due to the ever-changing hands of station ownership, so I decided to move to the sunny beaches of Los Angeles. I was not intending on pursuing radio again because I was a little burned out from the way it was going. Then one day I was selling golf clubs to this interesting lady. That was Linda Mackenzie who told me I had a great voice and that she was starting a brand new radio station called HealthyLife.Net. So I followed up with her and 3 1/2 years later I am now Program Director, currently host 2 shows on the network and provide a large amount of the commercial voices that you hear on the network.
HL-What is different from your past radio experience and what you do now?
Well, everything and nothing. I had worked mostly as a D.J. at rock radio stations and now I do a couple of talk shows. It is a big difference from introducing a song and to covering a one hour show without the music. Doing commercials are pretty much the same. I would say the biggest difference is that HealthyLife.Net is a unique station with a strong positive message, while there are hundreds of rock radio stations out there, just playing the same music which is heavily controlled by the radio and recording industries.
HL-You obviously have the radio skills, but how do you fit in to the "All Positive Network"?
For one, I recognize the need for this type of programming as an independent alternative, and even though I worked for some large companies, I always felt like the underdog and often questioned some of the methods and paradigms that were in place within the broadcasting industry. I always have had a bit of spirituality and that part of my personal life grew rapidly once I hit my 30's. So now I can support this and our hosts by helping them to grow as compelling radio personalities on the network.
HL- Why did you choose sports and music for your shows? Sports is second nature to me and would have been my radio career path had rock radio not come to me first. The Sporting Life was a good way for me to take the leap from D.J. to talk show host. Rock & Pop Star takes what I knew and brings it to a new level. I get to interview famous rock & pop cool is that! I enjoy both shows equally for different reasons.
HL-What is your favorite cartoon?
The Flintstones! I have a bizarre way of relating everything in life to either baseball or the Flintstones and that outlook has kept me sane and equippend with a strange sense of humor.
HL-If tomorrow you woke up as another HealthyLife.Net host who would it be and why?
It would be one of three I suppose. Possibly Mike Shimon of "Choose To Be Fit" because he is into fitness and working out. It could be "Thunder Hawk" because I enjoy his show and how it relates to his and my Native American heritage. Or Linda Mackenzie, not as a show host though ( I like being a guy) but, I work with her behind the scenes at HealthyLife.Net everyday.

Visit Jay's Website at:

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Spiritual Corner:
An animal can be viewed as a symbol. If an animal crosses your path or you see an animal in your dreams it has a meaning. Here are some of them.This Chart is from Linda Mackenzie's Inner Insights - The Book of Charts
Antelope Action
Armadillo Defense
Badger Aggression
Bat Intelligence
Bear Power
Beaver Resourcefulness
Big Horn Sheep Conqueror
Bobcat Independence

Did you know that our hosts love answering your questions on air? Check the schedule and call-in to our live shows on either 800-555-5453 or
310-371-5444. But what happens if you can't call in? Email a host and then listen live or on the archives for the answer to your questions.
To get their email addresses check our Hosts websites on our Link Page.

Have a great month! We wish you all Joy and Abundance!

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